Friday, February 8, 2013

Love is in the Air

Since I've been behind on the blogging, I thought I'd jumpstart myself by writing about something I love every day this month. I realize that it's already February 8th, so I'll do a little backtracking today.

February 1st: This morning I told Matthew that he was cute. His response: "Mommy, I'm not cute. I'm a boy." I told him that he was both cute and a boy. He was a cute boy. Then he said "No mommy, boys aren't cute. Babies are cute. I am a boy, not a baby." I stand corrected!

February 2nd: Today we took the kids to Sea World. I love that we live close enough to do things like that! On that note, I also love Embassy Suites! We decided to stay in one after a full day at the park. Not only did we have a door to section the kids off once they went to sleep, we also got free drinks at the manager's reception and free breakfast.

February 3rd: I love football! Today being Super Bowl Sunday marks both a fabulous football event, and the beginning of that dark time of year where baseball and basketball make a feeble attempt to take over. For now I will enjoy the last few plays of the year, then begin the countdown to next football season.

February 4th: So living in Florida we often see alligators (or chomp chomps as Caroline calls them. Go Gators!). There's a certain pond in our neighborhood where a couple of them hang out. Every time we drive past it, we look out for the gators and about once a week we see one!

February 5th: We have the most amazing Life Group. Every Tuesday evening we get together to study God's word, challenge each other, and encourage each other.

February 6th: Two things I love: great friends and Chick-fil-A. When their forces combine it is pure bliss! So thankful that my dear friend Jodi sent me a text this afternoon asking me to meet her there. Nevermind that I already had dinner cooked in the crock pot, Brian was really late and I was spent so off we went! There's just something about their strawberry milkshakes that makes everything seem better.

February 7th: Caroline has picked up on Matthew's favorite picture-taking phrase - cheeseburgers! She carries her fake cell phone around snapping pictures and saying "cheeseburger!" She says it when I take her picture too, and has started cheesing for the camera.

February 8th: God has blessed me with the most amazing friends! Today ten of them and their (15!) kids came over for a Valentine's playdate. It was chaotic yet calm, with lots of laughter, a little bit of screaming, and fun had by all. I love these girls and their babies!

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