You love animals, especially dogs. When we go to the dog park you love petting all the big dogs and giving them hugs. You're not such a fan of the small dogs though. We always look for chomp chomps, turtles, and birds when we drive through our neighborhood and you get so excited when we see one. I hear "I found it!" or "I see it!" coming from the back seat.
I love how you are so generous and loving. Any time Matthew asks you to share something with him, you immediately hand it over. If he's sad, you bring him a toy to cheer him up. And sometimes you just deliver things to people that you find around the house. A few times I've cringed watching you carry a full glass of tea or water to me!
What's that sound?
Watch me!
Look at me!
Hold on...
Awww, so cute. Cute (fill in animal name here.)
Help you
Rock a minute
You also like to repeat the last few words on each page of books, and you repeat a lot of what we say too! I definitely have to watch what I say :o)
At 22 months you potty-trained yourself. Seriously, I did nothing. You just started telling me you had to potty and would go in the bathroom with Matthew and go. In fact, you don't even like me to come in there with you. You'll tell me "away" if I'm in there, and then will bring out the roll of toilet paper when you're done for help.
Another of your favorite things to do is help Mommy around the house. You love to do laundry. If I try to put clothes in the washer or dryer without you you get upset. And you also like to help me fold the clean clothes, but all you really do is take things out of the basket and pat them down in a big pile. I try to fold the clothes when you're asleep so I can actually finish :o) You're good at putting the silverware away, helping me dust, and putting away toys.
You have been so much fun this year, and I can't wait to see what the next year holds! You are my cuddly, tough, independent, hilarious, talkative, compassionate, smart, joyful 2-year-old!